Support your local farmers.

Get to know our story.

Dream it.

It all begins with an idea. A movement towards a healthier lifestyle. Not just in regards to eating cleaner, but doing what we love. We take pride in growing and providing fresh produce. With a higher demand for fresh vegetables, we strive to be your trusted farmer that can provide sustainably grown produce.

Build it.

Since 2016, we’ve adopted new approaches and outlooks for sustainable farming practices. Lowering the use of sprays through pest management and investing in infrastructure to reduce diseases has been our main focus. Along with crop rotation and building our soil health through cover cropping and composting.

Grow it.

We’re excited to announce that we have over 17,000 bulbs for sale this year! We have three hardneck garlic varieties for sale; German White, German Red, and Italian. We plan on selling braids, loose garlic, and bulk orders. We’re looking forward to providing you with Garlick’s garlic. Who else would you trust to grow your garlic?